Twitter World Records
Twitter world records prove that 140 characters is not a limitation, but rather an opportunity for achievement. Hashtags, @Replies, Twitter-based celebrity worship and compulsive tweeting all feature prominently. If you like your communication concise and never miss a chance to abbrev. your txt, this is the category for you.
Related Tags:
26 Records Found

Most Times To Unfollow Someone On Twitter In 30 Seconds
World Records For Everyone!

Most People In One Room to Tweet @JustinBieber At Once

Most Consecutive Tweets Using Every Letter Of The Alphabet
Doron T

Most Tweets Sent To @MCHammer In One Minute Using A Cell Phone
Bart Winkler

Most Insulting Tweets Directed Toward A Friend In One Minute
Streeter Seidell

Most Tweets Sent During A Live Interview
Colt Whitmore

Most New Unviewed Tweets
Most Positive Messages Tweeted To Someone Fighting Cancer In 24 Hours
Next Conference 2011 Attendees

Most Tweets Of A Hashtag In 24 Hours

Largest Twitter "Cheers!"

Most Pisces-Born Celebrities Listed In A Single Tweet
Louisa Najjar-Rulin

Fastest Time To Tweet "I'm trying to set a world record with @URDB and @powerbalance"
Dylan Moloney

Fastest Time For Two People To Take Photos Of Each Other And Post Them Online
Ethan Handel

Fastest Time To Approve 126 Follower Requests On Twitter

Fastest Time To Tweet “Good luck!” To Five US Open Players
Anna Kiser

Fastest Time To Tweet “I’m trying to become the world’s fastest tweeter.”
Doron T
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