Wildcard World Records

6829 Records Found

02:32 India

Heaviest Motorcycle Carried Up And Down A Staircase

Montystar Agarawal

Montystar A. lifted a motorcycle weighing 110 kilograms, carrying it up and down eight stairs. WARNING: This record can be extremely dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 and trained as a professional. We will not accept submissions in this category from minors.

00:09 The Internet

Fastest Firearm Transition Drill

Kyle Glazebrook

Kyle G. performed a firearm transition drill in 0.76 second.

04:37 India

Longest Time Balancing 100 Juice Glasses On Chin While Kneeling

Suresh Gaur

Suresh Gaur balanced 100 juice glasses on his chin for three minutes, 42.87 seconds while kneeling.

00:08 United States

Most Bills Entered On WheresGeorge.com

Andy Hanscom

Andy H. entered 4,731 bills on the currency tracking website WheresGeorge.com.

10:11 Australia

Longest Time Spinning A Frisbee On Two Fingers

Sebastian Varela

Sebastian V. spun a Frisbee on two fingers for 10 minutes, 10.00 seconds.

02:39 Canada

Most Consecutive Times Saying "Butt"

Smdmdm Kdmdmdmdm

Evan G. said "butt" 201 consecutive times.

04:38 Canada

Longest Ring Spin

Stefan Fraticelli

Stefan F. spun a ring for four minutes, 10.05 seconds.

00:48 India

Fastest Time To Balance A Golf Ball On Top Of Another Golf Ball Held In Hand While Blindfolded

Suresh Gaur

Suresh Gaur balanced a golf ball on top of another golf ball held in his hand in 13.08 seconds while blindfolded.

00:31 United States

Fastest Time To Say "Love" 10 Times

Captain Catasrophe

Captain Catasrophe said "love" 10 times in 1.40 seconds.

02:32 The Internet

Most Pens Glued To A Mercedes-Benz

Costas Schuler

Costas "The Pen Guy" Schuler glued 10,000 pens to his Mercedes Benz.

00:24 United States

Most Bounces Of Two 38-cm Table Tennis Balls On One Paddle While Standing On A Slackline On One Foot

Tony Duncan

Tony Duncan bounced two 38-cm table tennis balls on one paddle 15 times while standing on a slackline on one foot.

00:19 Egypt

Most Back Flips In 15 Seconds

Gaber Ali

Jaber Ali performed 15 back flips in 15 seconds.

09:21 United States

Most Boards Broken On A Quarter Mile Parade Route

American Tiger

On a parade led by American Tiger, martial arts students broke 100 boards while walking the quarter mile parade route.

00:27 United States

Fastest Time To Play "Mary Had A Little Lamb" While Bouncing A Golf Ball On A Mallet Held With The Foot

Vaughan Heussenstamm

Vaughan Heussenstamm played Mary Had A Little Lamb while bouncing a golf ball on a mallet using his foot. He bounced the ball to the beat of the music.

01:48 United States

Most Photos Taken Dressed As Santa Claus And Mrs. Claus At A Bridge Opening Event

Art Hoffman

Art Hoffman took 31 photos dressed as Santa Claus together with Mrs. Claus at a bridge opening event in Louisville, Kentucky.

05:38 United States

Longest Time Balancing A Hula Hoop On Nose While Sitting

Alexandria Truex

Alexandra T. balanced a hula hoop on her nose for five minutes, 19.64 seconds while sitting.

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