6829 Records Found

Most Elbow Claps In One Minute
Anthony Segreti

Most Pennies Balanced Vertically On A Penny
Doug McManaman

Longest Back Lever Pose While Balancing Person On Back
Kevin Soler

Longest Time Balancing A Juggling Club On Head
Cinthia Buitrón

Longest Jump From A Swing Into A Paddling Pool While Wearing A Watermelon Helmet
Tobin Anderson

Most Times Tossing A Lemon Between Both Hands In 30 Seconds
Pavol Durdik

Most Table Tennis Ball Bounces Into A Cup In One Minute
Pavol Durdik

Most Coconuts Smashed With Hand In One Minute

Tallest Jenga Tower Pistol Squat
Silvio Sabba

Most Catches Juggling Five Knives
Thom Wall

Longest Time Holding A Cup On Chin
Pavol Durdik

Most Consecutive Tennis Ball Bounces On Alternating Sides Of Hand In 30 Seconds
Suresh Gaur

Most Table Tennis Ball Bounces On Two Wine Bottles
Pavol Durdik

Longest Time Balancing 17 Hockey Pucks On Forehead
Peter Durdik

Most Around-The-Hand Diabolo Tricks In 30 Seconds
Charles Rulon

Most Golf Balls Fit Inside A Shirt While Wearing It
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