Wildcard World Records

6829 Records Found

01:40 The Internet

Most Times Punching An Old 7-Up Bottle

Tanner Little

Tanner Little punched an old 7-Up bottle 106 times in a row.

03:53 The Internet

Longest Time To Touch The Windshield Of A Ferrari

Andy Maese

Andy Maese touched the windshield of a Ferrari for three minutes, 38.94 seconds.

00:53 The Internet

Longest Time To Fly A Mini RC Helicopter

Ché Lucero

Ché Lucero flew a mini RC helicopter for 47.31 seconds.

01:09 The Internet

Fastest Time To Empty A .40 16-Round Clip Of XDM

Shea Conaway

Shea Conaway emptied a .40 16-round clip of XDM in 3.41 seconds.

02:43 Canada

Longest Time To Balance A Soccer Ball On Top Of A Pole On Chin

Doug McManaman

Doug McManaman balanced a soccer ball on top of a seven-foot pole on his chin for one minute, 14.41 seconds.

06:02 Canada

Farthest Distance To Hit An Egg Using A .22-Caliber Rifle

Doug McManaman

Doug McManaman hit a raw egg using a .22-caliber rifle from 65 yards away.

05:50 Canada

Fastest Time To Lace Up A Boot

Doug McManaman

Doug McManaman laced up a boot in one minute, 5.25 seconds.

02:15 The Internet

Tallest Book Towers Stood On By Two People Making Clay Balls

Grace Hagy

Grace Hagy and Gina stacked two 12-book towers and each made a clay ball while standing on them.


Most People Whistling "Happy Birthday"


Schacht Z. and five of his friends whistled Happy Birthday.

02:50 United States

Farthest Distance To Throw A Three-Foot Cylinder


King Kirby threw a three-foot cylinder a distance of 406 inches (33.83 feet).

00:21 Belgium

Most Alternating Behind-The-Leg Claps In 15 Seconds

Steven Sijmons

Steven S. completed 52 behind-the-leg claps in 15 seconds.

01:10 United States

Most Times To Toss A Hat On Head In One Minute

Andres Yordi

Andres Y. tossed a hat on his head 102 times in one minute.

00:33 India

Most Consecutive Times To Dribble A Table Tennis Ball In 30 Seconds

Suresh Gaur

Suresh Gaur dribbled a table tennis ball 156 times in 30 seconds.

04:42 India

Most People Ball Bobbing At Once

Chinmaya Vidyalaya Matriculation

510 students from Chinmaya Matriculation School in Coimbatore, India ball bobbed at once.

01:54 Canada

Furthest Knife Throw To Hit A Razor Blade Held With Someone's Nose

Christopher Campbell

Madd Gyver threw a knife and hit a razor blade eight feet away. FenyxFyre held the razor blade on his nose using a nail inserted in his nasal cavity. WARNING: This record can be extremely dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 and trained as a professional stunt performer. We will not accept submissions in this category from minors.

02:07 Canada

Longest Time Balancing A Golf Club On A Lacrosse Stick On Chin While Kneeling

Doug McManaman

Doug McManaman balanced a golf club on a lacrosse stick on his chin for 52.47 seconds while kneeling.

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