Wildcard World Records

6829 Records Found

United States

Most Reese's Wrappers Put On One Reese's Peanut Butter Cup

Joey Faz

Joey F. put 18 wrappers on one Reese's Peanut Butter Cup.

00:25 Netherlands

Most Mid-Air Devilstick Spins After A Balance Flip Using A Handstick

Rob Boaron

Rob B. performed three mid-air devilstick spins after balance flipping it using a handstick.

02:39 India

Most Painting Methods Used To Paint Abstract Paintings Using Bare Hands

Parijoy Saha

Parijoy Saha used 11 different painting methods to create abstract paintings using his bare hands. See the rest of his record attempt here.

02:53 United States

Fastest Time Solving A Rubik's Cube While Reciting The Books Of The Bible, US Presidents, And Greek Alphabet By Memory

Justin Landers

Justin L. solved a Rubik's cube in two minutes, 7.12 seconds while reciting the names of the books of the Bible, all US presidents, and the Greek Alphabet by memory.

03:27 India

Longest Time Balancing A Golf Ball On Top Of A Knitting Needle On Index Finger While Standing On Heels

Suresh Gaur

Suresh Gaur balanced a golf ball on top of a knitting needle on his index finger for two minutes, 18.56 seconds while standing on his heels.

05:28 India

Most Sponge Ball Bounces On Alternate Sides Of A Table Tennis Paddle While Standing On Heels

Suresh Gaur

Suresh Gaur bounced a sponge ball on alternate sides of a table tennis paddle 668 times while standing on his heels.

03:49 England

Fastest Time To Insert All Wedges Into Six Trivial Pursuit Game Pieces

Richard Wilson

Richard Wilson inserted all wedges into six Trivial Pursuit game pieces in two minutes, 49.60 seconds.

01:18 India

Longest Time Balancing A Tennis Ball On Top Of A Badminton Racquet Handle On Chin While Holding Lotus Pose

Suresh Gaur

Suresh Gaur balanced a tennis ball on top of a badminton racquet handle on his chin for 43.07 seconds while holding a lotus pose.

00:20 The Internet

Most Times Tapping Steak 'n Shake Logo In 20 Seconds

Kyle landes

Kyle L. tapped a Steak 'n Shake logo 124 times in 20 seconds.

02:43 India

Tallest Coin Tower Stacked With Right Hand In 30 Seconds


Shripad V. stacked 48 coins in 30 seconds using his right hand.

00:18 United States

Most Times Tapping Kroger Logo In 20 Seconds

Ben McCloud

Ben M. tapped a Kroger logo 62 times in 20 seconds.

00:33 India

Longest Time Balancing A Tennis Racquet On Chin While Standing On One Leg

Suresh Gaur

Suresh Gaur balanced a tennis racquet on his chin while standing on one leg for 11.29 seconds

00:24 India

Fastest Time To Perform Five Charlier Cuts And Five Roll Cuts

Kamal Aslam

Kamal Aslam performed five charlier cuts and five roll cuts in 15.09 seconds.

03:25 Mexico

Longest Time Immersing Feet In Cold Beer

Ernesto Rivas

Ernesto R. immersed his feet in a container of cold beer for 23.66 seconds.

00:28 India

Fastest Time To Perform Five Charlier Cuts And Five Triangle Cuts

Kamal Aslam

Kamal Aslam performed five Charlier cuts and five triangle cuts in 20.86 seconds.

02:21 India

Most Consecutive Bounces Of A Six-Millimeter Diameter Steel Bearing Ball On Alternate Sides Of A Table Tennis Paddle While Kneeling

Suresh Gaur

Suresh Gaur bounced a six-millimeter diameter steel bearing ball 2on alternate sides of a table tennis paddle 16 times while kneeling.

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