Wildcard World Records

6829 Records Found

02:17 United States

Most American Pennies Held In One Hand At Once

Tai Star

Tai Star held 734 American pennies in one hand.

02:23 Germany

Tallest Dice Tower Stacked Using Chopsticks

Maximiliano Pugliese

Maximiliano P. stacked 21 dice on top of each other using chopsticks.

01:33 Slovakia

Fastest Time To Fill An Empty Wine Bottle With Water From Another Bottle

Pavol Durdik

Pavol Durdik filled an empty wine bottle with water from another bottle in 39.30 seconds.

11:03 United States

Longest Headstand While Wearing Mismatched Socks

Isabella Knight Weber

Isabella performed a headstand for 10 minutes, 59.80 seconds while wearing mismatched socks.

21:45 India

Most Bounces Of A Plastic Golf Ball On A Shoe

Suresh Gaur

Suresh Gaur bounced a plastic golf ball on a shoe 3,848 times.

01:02 The Internet

Most Crumpled Balls Of Paper Shot Into A Trash Can In One Minute

Dominik Kunčík

Dominik K. shot 41 crumpled balls of papers into a trash can in one minute.

05:21 Australia

Most Consecutive Bounces Of A Table Tennis Ball On Base Of Coffee Mug While On Knees


Brendan Kelbie bounced a table tennis ball on the base of a coffee mug while kneeling.

01:00 India

Most Times Touching Tongue To Nose In One Minute

vinod kumar

Vinod K. touched his tongue to his nose 161 times in one minute.

00:54 United States

Fastest Time For Two People To Hug 10 Times

Matthew Jackson

Matthew J. and Matthew S. hugged each other 10 times in 1.23 seconds.

1:02:06 United States

Longest Time Standing On Left Foot

Tai Star

Tai Star stood on his left foot for one hour, two minutes, 3.00 seconds.

00:31 Australia

Fastest Time To Count To 126 By Sevens

Steven Haney

Steven H. counted to 126 by increments of seven in 5.69 seconds.

00:5 United States

Fastest Time To Spell "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious"


Jonathan S. spelled Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious in 3.18 seconds.

00:37 United States

Tallest Duct Tape Roll Tower

Avery K

Avery K. built a tower of duct tape rolls using 49 rolls.

06:42 Wales

Longest Suspended Red Bull Can Chain

Mark Evans

Mark E. held up a horizontal Red Bull can chain 12 cans in length.

07:10 India

Most Consecutive Table Tennis Ball Bounces While Balancing Two Bats On Shoulders

Suresh Gaur

Suresh Gaur completed 1,140 consecutive bounces of a table tennis ball on a paddle while balancing two baseball bats on his shoulders.

03:05 The Internet

Most Erasers Balanced On Head At Once

grace bruer

Grace B. balanced 46 erasers on her head.

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