Wildcard World Records

6829 Records Found

00:27 United States

Most People Lifted Using An Old-Time Strong Man Leg Press

Clint Poore

Clint P. lifted seven people using an old-time strong man leg press.

00:09 United States

Fastest Performance Of The "Cup Song" Cup Rhythm

Daniel Hornack

Daniel H. performed the "Cup Song" cup rhythm in 1.67 seconds.

00:36 United States

Longest Walking Route Calculated In Google Maps

World Records For Everyone!

Jireh A. calculated a 128,310-mile walking route using Google Maps.

01:34 India

Most Chen Ka Card Cuts While Holding Three 5-Pound Exercise Plates On Three Fingers

Kamal Aslam

Kamal A. performed 15 Chen Ka card cuts while holding three 5-pound exercise plates on his fingers.

06:42 India

Most Dried Peas Placed In A Box In One Minute Using A Straw


Shripad V. placed 68 dried peas from a bowl to a box in one minute using a straw.

00:43 Mexico

Highest "Flappy Bird" Score While Doing A Handstand

Luis Morales

Luis M. earned 20 points in Flappy Bird while performing a handstand.

04:24 United States

Most Consecutive Times Saying "God Bless America"

World Records For Everyone!

Jireh A. said "God Bless America" 483 consecutive times.

05:48 India

Longest Time Holding A Lotus Pose While Balancing Using Hands

Krishan Kumar

Krishan K. held a lotus pose while balancing on his hands for four minutes, 25.00 seconds.

03:39 The Internet

Most Strangers Signing A T-Shirt In One Hour

Chloé Hooker

231 strangers signed Chloé H.'s t-shirt in one hour. She set the record as part of a school project. She is a BA Design student at Goldsmiths, University of London.

00:31 India

Most Head Dips In 30 Seconds While Holding A Peacock Pose

Suresh Gaur

Suresh G. completed 147 head dips in 30 seconds while holding a peacock pose.

00:25 United States

Most Times Pressing The Lap Button On An iPhone Stopwatch In 10 Seconds

Mark Zhang

Mark Z. pressed the "lap" button on his iPhone stopwatch 122 times in 10 seconds.

06:02 India

Longest Time Holding An "Onkar Pose"

Krishan Kumar

Krishan K. held an "Onkar Pose" for five minutes, 2.00 seconds.

01:38 Canada

Longest Time Balancing A Saxophone On Chin

Doug McManaman

Doug McManaman balanced a saxophone on his chin for 52.07 seconds.

00:18 United States

Most Books Read On "Goodreads.com"

World Records For Everyone!

Jireh A. read 3,107 books on Goodreads.

10:50 United States

Heaviest Vehicle Lifted With Breath

Brian Jackson

Brian J. lifted a vehicle weighing 3,640 pounds by blowing through a tube connected to a lift bag under the vehile. He set the record during Family Fun Fest hosted by Victory Christian Church in Middlefield, Connecticut.

55:38 Ireland

Most Times Watching "I Just Wasted 10 Seconds Of Your Life"

Joseph Kenneally

Joseph K. watched the "I Just Wasted 10 Seconds Of Your Life" video 332 times.

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