Wildcard World Records

6829 Records Found

00:52 The Internet

Fastest Time To Lace A Sneaker

Geoffrey A

Geoffrey A. laced up a sneaker in 17.74 seconds.

03:54 The Internet

Most Table Tennis Ball Bounces While Lying Down And Wearing Sunglasses

JJ Walker

Using a standard table tennis paddle, JJ lay down and hit a table tennis ball in the air 623 consecutive times. He wore sunglasses while setting the record.

00:33 The Internet

Tallest Tower Of Solved Rubik's Cubes

Kim McQueen

Kim M. built a tower of 28 solved Rubik’s cubes.

01:50 England

Tallest LEGO Car With A Minifigure On Top

Ewan Clementson

Ewan C. built a LEGO car 154.25 inches in height and placed a LEGO Minifigure on top of it.

00:38 United States

Most American Quarters Spun At Once

TJ Jansen

TJ spun 16 American quarters at once.

02:49 United States

Longest Distance To Toss A Paper Clip Into A Glass Jar

Ethan LaFleur

Ethan L. tossed a paper clip into a glass jar from 19 feet away.

01:35 Sweden

Longest Time To Hold 75 Pounds Of Weight On Fingertips Of One Hand

Thommy Ohlund

Thommy Ohlund held a total of 75 pounds of weight on the fingertips of one hand for 31.00 seconds.

01:27 Nepal

Most Pencils Fit In Mouth At Once

manish shrestha

Raja Thapa placed 138 pencils in his mouth at once.

01:05 The Internet

Most Diabolo "Cat's Cradles" In One Minute

Ryan Gerrity

Ryan G. performed 17 diabolo ‘cat’s cradles’ in one minute.

43:46 Wales

Longest Time Balancing A Screwdriver On One Finger

Mark Evans

Mark Evans balanced a screwdriver on his finger for 43 minutes, 3.84 seconds.

01:39 United States

Most Superman Shirts Worn In A Phone Booth

Clint Poore

Clint P. wore eight Superman shirts in a phone booth. He set the record during the 2013 Superman Celebration in Metropolis, Illinois.

01:34 The Internet

Fastest Time To Open A Soda Can And Balance It On Edge

Tommy Hacker

Tommy H. opened a soda can, drank part of its contents and balanced it diagonally on its edge in 7.50 seconds.

00:06 Canada

Most Lighters Flicked At Once

Jake Dormer

Jake D. flicked seven lighters at once.

01:00 Australia

Most RecordSetter World Records Set By A Teenager


Demythrate has 201 RecordSetter World records. He set the records when he was a teenager. He all his records here.

03:03 The Internet

Most Golf Pencils Stuffed In A Beard

Phil Matarese

Phil M. stuffed 117 golf pencils in his beard.

00:59 United States

Most Consecutive Yo-Yo "Eli Hops"

Justin Landers

Justin L. performed 17 "Eli Hops" yo-yo tricks.

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