Wildcard World Records

6829 Records Found

01:04 United States

Longest Handstand On Fingertips

Damani Jones

Damani J. performed a handstand on his fingertips. He remained balanced in position for one minute, 2.12 seconds.

03:12 Wales

Most Candles Lit In One Minute

Mark Evans

Mark E. lit 50 candles in one minute.

03:29 The Internet

Longest Continuous Inflation Of A Hot Water Bottle Until It Bursts

John Skelton

John S. used his breath to continuously inflate a hot water bottle. The bottle burst at the three minute, 12.15 second mark.

02:14 India

Most Triangles Drawn In 30 Seconds

Varun kumar

Varun K. drew 90 triangles in 30 seconds.

01:00 The Internet

Longest Distance Unicycled Underwater

Zakk Shanks

Zakk S. unicycled 30 feet underwater.

00:23 Slovakia

Most Facial Hits With A Punch Balloon In 15 Seconds

Pavol Durdik

Pavol Durdik held the rubber band handle of a punch balloon in his mouth and hit himself in the face with the balloon 82 times in 15 seconds.

00:09 Ireland

Fastest Time To Make A Balloon Animal


Ryan T. made a balloon animal in 2.93 seconds.

00:18 India

Fastest Time To Thread A Needle By Hand

Suresh Gaur

Suresh Gaur threaded a needle by hand in 1.54 seconds.

00:34 Philippines

Most Adam's Apple Bobs In 30 Seconds

Jemwel Clint Bagazin

Jemwel Clint bobbed his Adam's apple up and down 106 times in 30 seconds.

00:33 United States

Greatest Degree Achieved While Rotating Foot Outwards

Tai Star

Tai Star rotated his foot 220 degrees.

04:12 United States

Longest Time To Balance Ruler On Finger While Being Tickled Under Nose

Vernon Frenzel

Vernon Frenzel balanced a ruler on his finger for three minutes, 34.62 seconds while being tickled under his nose.

04:49 England

Longest Time To Control A Devil Stick With One Hand

Louie Fine

Louie F. controlled a devil stick using one hand for four minutes, 31.77 seconds.

00:29 United States

Fastest Time To Knock 17 Spoons Off Counter Using Nose

Chris Olkowski

Chris O. knocked 17 spoons off a counter using his nose in 1.43 seconds.

04:35 United States

Tallest VHS Tape Tower

Tai Star

Tai Star built a VHS tape tower measuring 136.87 inches tall.

03:59 United States

Most American Quarters Fit Inside A Belly Button

Randon Beasley

Randon Beasley fit 30 U.S. quarters inside his belly button. tag:RecordSetterBook01

00:52 The Internet

Fastest Time To Lace A Sneaker

Geoffrey A

Geoffrey A. laced up a sneaker in 17.74 seconds.

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