80 Records Found

Youngest Person To Recite Zach Galifianakis' "My Beard Hurts" Quote
Silas Good

Youngest Person To Ride A Motorcycle In 'The Globe Of Death'
Maximus Garcia

Youngest Person To Solve Three Multiplication Tables

Youngest Person To Swim To Alcatraz Island And Back
James Savage

Youngest Person To Visit Every Country In The World
James Asquith

Youngest Person To Write All The Elements Symbols From The Periodic Table
Poorvie Choudhary

Youngest PhD Student In Politics Department
Eugenie de Silva

Youngest Pianist-Vocalist To Perform In A Concert Hall
Ava Sadeghipour

Youngest Plate Spinner
Ethan Cain

Youngest Player On "Championship Manager: Season 00/01"
GAMMA Records

Youngest Poet To Recite His Own Published Poem
Indrajith Prabaswara

Youngest Published Science Fiction Author
Indrajith Prabaswara

Youngest Romance Fiction Novelist
Rishiraj Sen

Youngest Savant Autistic Artist To Hold A Solo Art Exhibition
Delwin Cheah

Youngest Solo Bungee Jumper
Dorian Jones

Youngest University Student
Divya Prakash Pandey
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