80 Records Found

Youngest Person To Ride A Motorcycle In 'The Globe Of Death'
Maximus Garcia

Youngest Person To Recite Zach Galifianakis' "My Beard Hurts" Quote
Silas Good
Youngest Angler To Catch A Rainbow Trout With Assistance
Johnathon Pelphrey

Youngest Fire Breather
Gracie Adams

Youngest Person To Juggle Five Balls While Hula Hooping

Youngest Person To Deadlift 480 Pounds
Adam Rork

Youngest Person To Disassemble A "Little Junior Ring" In One Minute
SriRithupa MD

Youngest Baby To Stand On One's Hand
Tai Star

Youngest Poet To Recite His Own Published Poem
Indrajith Prabaswara

Youngest Couple To Speak Professionally On All Seven Continents
Ryan Avery

Youngest Published Science Fiction Author
Indrajith Prabaswara

Youngest Person To Hold 300 RecordSetter World Records
Tai Star
Youngest Boy To Write The Periodic Table Of Elements
Daksh Choudhary
Youngest Person To Recite All Element Symbols From The Periodic Table
Daksh Choudhary

Youngest Person To Predict The Score Of The Super Bowl
Andy Pelphrey

Youngest Plate Spinner
Ethan Cain
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