80 Records Found

Youngest Person To Recite 12 Multiplication Tables
Srinivasa Hariharan Iyer

Youngest Person To Break A Piece Of Wood Using Bare Hand
Luke Taylor

Youngest Savant Autistic Artist To Hold A Solo Art Exhibition
Delwin Cheah

Youngest Person To Create Building Models For Earthquake Awareness
Manodnya Vaidya

Youngest Person To Juggle Three Balls In One Hand While Hula Hooping

Youngest Person To Graduate With A Bachelor's Degree In Intelligence Analysis
Eugenie de Silva

Youngest Four-Club Juggler (Female)
Isabel Cain

Youngest Knife Juggler (Female)
Isabel Cain

Youngest Knife Juggler (Male)
Ethan Cain

Youngest Person To Visit Every Country In The World
James Asquith

Youngest Person To Juggle Five Balls While Hula Hooping

Youngest International Kite Festival Participant
Mehul Pathak

Youngest Motor Show Presenter
JJ Morris

Youngest Person To Disassemble A "Little Junior Ring" In One Minute
SriRithupa MD

Youngest Girl To Complete A Grade 8 Keyboard Practical Exam
Rebecca Sheila

Youngest Person To Solve Three Multiplication Tables
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