Candy World Records
Candy. Everyone loves it. Instead of just eating lots of candy, try something more productive. Use candy to set a world record.
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98 Records Found

Most Candy Corns Fit In A Closed Mouth
Jacob Farley

Most Ice Breakers Sours Held In Mouth
Genice Winkle

Longest Twizzlers Necklace
Benjamin DeRose

Most Baskets Made With A Bag Of M&M's In One Minute
Carter Ritchey

Farthest Tic Tac And Knife Throw While Blindfolded
Madd Gyver

Tallest Smarties (USA) Tower
Kyle Smith

Fastest Time To Eat A 45-Gram Bag Of Skittles
Travis Mizejewski

Most Life Savers Candies Eaten At Once
Jeremiah Paul

Most Gummy Candies Consecutively Thrown And Caught In Mouth
Cooper Scott

Fastest Time To Spell "Ball" Using M&M's
Taylor Priest

Most Peeps Fit In Open Mouth
Kelsey McDonald

Most Starburst Candies Balanced On Elbow And Caught
Vito O.

Tallest Starburst Tower Stacked On Forehead
Sebastian Ledesma

Fastest Time Eating Five Snickers Bars
Jonathan Clarke

Fastest Time To Unwrap A Starburst Candy Using Mouth
Mike Stone

Longest Time Juggling Two Snickers Bars With One Hand
Chris Paterson
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