Candy World Records
Candy. Everyone loves it. Instead of just eating lots of candy, try something more productive. Use candy to set a world record.
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98 Records Found

Most Times To Say "Peep" While Being Hit With Peeps
Brandon Ryerson

Longest Twizzlers Necklace
Benjamin DeRose
Longest Distance To Stretch A Piece Of Gum
Trevor Cummings

Highest Distance To Drop A Starburst Into A Jar
Jonathan Merrill
Highest Jelly Baby Drop Into Mouth
Daniel Hayes

Fastest Time To Eat A Mini-Chocolate Bar While Hula-Hooping
Ethan Petersen

Fastest Time For Red-Headed Siblings To Eat Two Packs Of Smarties While Playing Velcro Catch
Clint Dalton

Fastest Time To Spell "Ball" Using M&M's
Taylor Priest

Loudest 'Pop Rocks' Chorus
Reflections of Christ Student Ministry

Most People To Blow Bubble Gum Bubbles At Once
Reflections of Christ Student Ministry

Longest "Sour Patch Kid" Candy Throw Caught In Mouth
Jordan Lee

Farthest Tic Tac And Knife Throw While Blindfolded
Madd Gyver

Farthest Distance To Dispense A PEZ Candy With A Throwing Knife
Madd Gyver

Most Peeps Fit In Open Mouth
Kelsey McDonald

Most Peeps Eaten In 30 Seconds
Takeru Kobayashi

Most Peeps Placed On Sleeping Baby In A Stop-Motion Film
Greg Roberts
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