Most World Records

7868 Records Found

11:00 United States

Most Consecutive V-Plank Jacks In 11 Minutes

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber performed 165 V-plank jacks in 11 minutes.

13:01 United States

Most Consecutive V-Plank Jacks In 13 Minutes

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber performed 203 V-plank jacks in 13 minutes.

01:09 Australia

Most Catches Juggling A Cricket Ball, A Pear And An Orange In 30 Seconds While Standing On One Leg


Brendan Kelbie completed 69 catches juggling a cricket ball, a pear, and an orange while standing on one leg.

00:43 Australia

Most Juggling Balls Held In One Hand With Palm Down While Spinning A Basketball On Little Finger And Standing On One Leg


WoofDeadBang held six juggling balls in one hand with his palm down while spinning a basketball on his left little finger and standing on one leg.

14:00 United States

Most Consecutive V-Plank Jacks In 14 Minutes

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber performed 217 V-plank jacks in 14 minutes.

00:57 United States

Most Dodgeball Hits In 30 Seconds

The Club of Springville

A member of BGC Springville in Springville, New York was hit with dodgeballs 47 times in 30 seconds.

00:46 United States

Most People Playing A Game Of Table Football

The Club of Springville

15 members of BGC Springville in Springville, New York played a game of foosball.

00:27 Slovakia

Most Crossbar Hits From The 11-Meter Penalty Spot

Tomáš Lubelec

Tomáš Lubelec hit the crossbar on a pair of goalposts five times from the 11-meter penalty spot.

12:58 United States

Most Poems Written That Start With The Letter C

Nicolas Saperstein

Nicolas Saperstein wrote 200 poems that start with the letter C.

01:16 United States

Most Whipped Cream High Fives

The Club of Springville

Members of BGC Springville in Springville, New York high fived each other 71 times with whipped cream on their hands.

01:01 United States

Most Tic-Tac-Toe Games By Two People In One Minute

The Club of Springville

Two members of BGC Springville in Springville, New York played four games of tic-tac-toe in one minute.

00:38 United States

Most Pencils Shoved Into A French Braid In 40 Seconds

Grace Nicklas

Grace N. shoved 23 pencils into her French braid in 40 seconds.

01:29 United States

Most Summer Camp Shark Attacks By Someone Wearing A Shark Fin Headband

The Club of Springville

A member of BGC Springville in Springville, New York made 10 shark attacks while wearing a shark fin headband.

02:03 United States

Most Consecutive Moving Chin-Ups With Ladder Knee-To-Elbow Flexed Hang

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber completed 10 consecutive moving chin-ups with a ladder knee-to-elbow flexed hang.

00:16 The Internet

Most Stickers Stuck On Leg


Matt stuck 300 stickers to his leg.

02:56 Australia

Most Clothespins Held In One Hand While Spinning A Basketball On Thumb And Standing On One Foot


Brendan Kelbie held 27 clothespins in one hand at once while spinning a basketball on his thumb and standing on one foot.

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