Most World Records

7868 Records Found

01:46 United States

Most Facebook Status Updates In One Minute

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Michiel V. posted 40 Facebook Status Updates in one minute, a RecordSetter World Record.

01:39 United States

Most Bricks Broken By Hand In One Minute

Kevin Taylor

Kevin T. broke 584 bricks in one minute. Read more about the feat here.

03:13 France

Most One-Armed Push-Ups On A Skateboard While Wearing A Glove, Balancing Three Toilet Paper Rolls And Balancing A Table Tennis Ball On A Spoon Held By Mouth

Guillaume Bourgeois

Guillaume B. completed seven one-armed push-up on a skateboard while wearing a glove. He balanced three toilet paper rolls in his right hand and balanced a table tennis ball on a spoon in his mouth while performing the attempt.

01:03:03 United States

Most Reptile Push-Ups In One Hour

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber performed 858 consecutive reptile push-ups in one hour.

00:43 United States

Most Googly Eyes Attached To A Body

Sam AndCyan

Sam glued 310 googly eyes to her body.

00:25 Norway

Most Triple Finger Snaps In 10 Seconds

Morten Bentsen

Using a triple snap technique to multiply each snap into three, Morten Bentsen completed 357 triple finger snaps in 10 seconds.

01:22 Canada

Most Air Guitar Windmills In 30 Seconds

Jordan Johnston

Jordan Johnston completed 91 air guitar windmills in 30 seconds.

00:43 Canada

Most Candy Bars Named In 30 Seconds While Being Tickled

Mel Sampson

Sampson set the record live on-air during the “The Drive Home with Mel” show on K-Rock 89.3on September 23, 2010.

03:22 United States

Most Consecutive Tennis Ball Bounces Alternating Between The Flat Side And Spine Of A Tennis Racket

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey bounced a tennis ball 423 times between the flat portion and the spine of his tennis racket.

03:00 England

Most Consecutive Catches While Juggling Four Hula Hoops

Callum Baker

Callum Baker made 383 consecutive catches while juggling four hula hoops.

20:38 Canada

Most Consecutive Bounces Of A Golf Ball On A Golf Club

Mike Delahunt

Mike D. bounced a golf ball on his golf club 2,913 times in a row.

01:42 United States

Most Knock-Knock Jokes Told In One Minute

Alex Rose

Alex and Andrea delivered 24 knock-knock jokes in one minute.

00:47 Italy

Most Tandem Leap Frogs In 30 Seconds

Silvio Sabba

Record Setter and his friend leapfrog over each other 30 times in 30 seconds.

01:20 United States

Most Whoopee Cushions Sat On In 30 Seconds Without Smiling Or Laughing

My Damn Channel

A total of 24 whoopee cushions were sat on in 30 seconds without smiling our laughing at the My Damn Channel LIVE event. The record was officiated by RecordSetter co-founders Dan Rollman and Corey Henderson.

05:16 United States

Most People Involved In Shaving Off One Man's Beard

Corey Henderson

Corey Henderson said goodbye to his beard in style by letting a world record 23 people contribute to shaving it off his face. Henderson used a Wahl electric razor, and held up a generic plastic bucket to catch the trimmings. The participants ranged from his wife Emily to several complete strangers found on the street. [][][#WRAS01][] []:

01:12 United States

Most Consecutive Yo-Yo Plastic Whips While Talking On Phone


April Choi performed seven yo-yo plastic whips while talking to her friend, Brian, on the phone.

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