80 Records Found

Most Consecutive Times Flipping a Waffle In A Seven Inch Skillet While Balancing Two Baseball Bats On Shoulders
Brian Pankey

Most Consecutive Catches Doing Reverse Shoulder Throws With Three Balls On A Rola Bola
Brian Pankey
Most Times Reciting The English Alphabet While Standing On Someone's Shoulders
Daksh Choudhary

Most Shoulder Joint Cracks In One Minute

Most "Shoulder Farts" In 15 Seconds
Hanne De

Most Over-The-Shoulder Nunchucks Passes In One Minute While Balancing On A Rola Bola
Brian Pankey

Most Over-The-Shoulder Nunchucks Passes In 30 Seconds
Dineshkumar Srinivasan

Most Over-The-Shoulder Nunchucks Passes In 15 Seconds
Dineshkumar Srinivasan

Most Over-The-Shoulder Nunchucks Passes In 30 Seconds While Balancing On A Rola Bola
Jay Braggart

Most Over-The-Shoulder Nunchucks Passes In 15 Seconds While Balancing On A Rola Bola
Brian Pankey

Most Shoulder Cracks In 30 Seconds

Most Laps Around A Christmas Tree In One Minute While Carrying A Child On Shoulders
Pavol Durdik

Deepest Shoulder Blades
David Passaro

Farthest Distance To Walk Barefoot Over Broken Glasses While Balancing A Person On Shoulders
Wes Barker

Farthest Backward Basketball Shot Made While Balancing A Plastic Rake On Left Shoulder

Most Expensive Item Purchased At A Cafe With Person Standing On Cashier's Shoulders
Thom Wall
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