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34 Records Found

Most Armpit Farts In 15 Seconds

Most People In A Room Making Barnyard Noises At Once

Loudest Burp
Mike Wilde

Most Fart Sounds Made From A Self-Inflating Fart Cushion In 30 Seconds
Benjamin Gross

Longest Whistle
Piyush Jain

Loudest Whistle

Most Kazoos Played At Once
Larry Levite

Most Kazoos Played At Once
Larry Levite

Longest Fake Fart Sound Using Hands
Jordan Eisenberg

Most Finger Lip Rolls In One Breath
Paul Herman

Longest Burp
Suresh Gaur

Fastest Time To Play A G Major Scale On Flute
Glen Houston

Longest Fake Burp
Mike Wilde

Tallest Coin Tower On A Drum Knocked Down By A Didgeridoo
Tai Star

Most Animal Sounds Correctly Guessed In One Minute
James Blaxall

Most One-Armed Armpit Farts In 30 Seconds
Record Setter
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