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34 Records Found

Fastest Time To Play A G Major Scale On Flute
Glen Houston

Highest Pitched Whistle

Longest Burp
Suresh Gaur

Longest Fake Burp
Mike Wilde

Longest Fake Fart Sound Using Hands
Jordan Eisenberg

Longest Lightsaber Sound Produced With Mouth
Dalton James

Longest Steady Howl From A Dog
Mitchie Dagger

Longest Time To Balance A Boom Microphone On Two Fingers

Longest Tractor Beam Sound Humming And Whistling Simultaneously
iD Tech Camps Ohio State Universty

Longest Whistle
Piyush Jain

Loudest Burp
Mike Wilde

Loudest Whistle

Most "Eye Farts" In 30 Seconds
Schacht Eenendertig

Most "Shoulder Farts" In 15 Seconds
Hanne De

Most Animal Sounds Correctly Guessed In One Minute
James Blaxall

Most Animals Named Alongside Corresponding Animal Sounds In One Minute In A Prius
Prius Records
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