Strength World Records

696 Records Found

04:27 India

Longest Time Holding A 50-Kilogram Weight With Teeth

Montystar Agarawal

Montystar A. lifted and held a 50-kilogram weight for three minutes, 56.09 seconds using only his teeth.

02:56 India

Fastest Time To Spin 34 Times While Lifting A 50-Kilogram Weight With Teeth

Montystar Agarawal

Montystar A. spun 34 times in two minutes, 17.03 seconds while lifting a 50-kilogram weight with his teeth.

02:40 India

Farthest Distance Walked Backwards Carrying A 50-Kilogram Weight In Mouth

Montystar Agarawal

Montystar Agarawal lifted a 50 kilogram weight using just his mouth and walked 97.5 meters facing backwards.

00:25 Mexico

Heaviest Stone Shoulder Pressed

Manuel herlo

Manuel H. performed a shoulder press using a 130-kilogram (286.60 pound) stone.

00:37 Mexico

Most Times Pounding A 132-Pound Sledge Hammer On A Tire

Manuel herlo

Manuel H. pounded a tire with a 132-pound sledge hammer five times.

00:8 The Internet

Most Full Extension Fingertip Push-Ups While Supported Between Parallel Fence Rails

Adel Khalil

Adel K. performed nine full extension fingertip push-ups while supporting himself between parallel rails on a wooden fence.

01:31 United States

Fastest Time To Perform Twenty 100-Pound Hammer Curls

Jason A Faulkner

Jason F. performed twenty 100-pound hammer curls in 27.97 seconds.

00:12 The Internet

Most Full Extension Clasped Hand Push-Ups While Supported By A Parallel Wooden Fence

Adel Khalil

Adel K. performed nine full extension clasped hand push-ups while supporting himself between the rails of a parallel wooden fence.

01:42 United States

Most Left-Handed 250-Pound Upright Rows

Jason A Faulkner

Jason F. completed two 250-pound upright rows using his left hand.

00:22 Mexico

Heaviest Stone Lifted On Shoulder

Manuel herlo

Manuel H. lifted a 150-kilogram (330.69 pound) stone on his shoulder.

00:23 Mexico

Heaviest Stone Lifted To Chest Height

Manuel herlo

Manuel H. lifted a 242-kilogram (533.51 pounds) stone to chest level. WARNING: Weight lifting can be extremely dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 and trained as a professional weight lifter. We will not accept submissions from minors.

00:18 The Internet

Most Consecutive One-Legged Straight Arm Push-Ups

Adel Khalil

Adel K. performed 11 one-legged, straight arm push-ups.

01:37 United States

Most Calf Raises Using A 1000-Pound Weight On A Leg Press Machine

Jason A Faulkner

Jason F. performed 89 calf raises using a leg press machine with 1000 pounds of weight racked.

01:37 United States

Longest Distance To Arm Walk On Bars In One Minute

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber arm walked 130 feet on bars in one minute.

05:56 United States

Longest Distance To Arm Walk On Bars In Five Minutes

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber arm walked 340 feet on bars in five minutes.

07:11 United States

Longest Distance Covered In A Four-Minute Variety Arm Walk Challenge

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber covered a distance of 180 feet in a four-minute variety arm walk challenge.

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