77 Records Found

Most Computer Desktop Refreshes In 30 Seconds

Most E-Books Published In One Day
Nicolas Saperstein

Most Facebook Friend Pokes In 15 Seconds
Debra Emory

Most Facebook Friend Pokes In One Minute
Debra Emory

Most Facebook Pokes
Yan Da

Most Facebook Pokes In One Minute
Vid Stropnik

Most Facebook Status Updates In One Minute
aaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaa

Most Folders Saved In A Computer Desktop

Most Friend Requests Pending On The STEAM Online Community
Debra Emory

Most Google Chrome Tabs Open At Once
William Smith

Most Group Invites Pending On The STEAM Online Community
Debra Emory

Most High Fives With A Robot In 30 Seconds

Most Human Bones Mentioned In A Tweet
Doron T

Most Human Muscles Named In A Single Tweet
Doron T

Most iBook Pages Flipped In 30 Seconds (Mobile App)
Jake Gargiulo

Most Kids Coding In One Day
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