77 Records Found

Most Times Unlocking An HTC Droid Incredible 2 Phone In One Minute
Tony S.

Most Tweets Of A Hashtag In 24 Hours

Most Tweets Sent To @MCHammer In One Minute Using A Cell Phone
Bart Winkler

Most Unread Emails In Inbox
Joey Manansala

Most Unread Facebook Messages
Billy Sakmann

Most Unread Facebook Notifications On A Smartphone
Chad Isaac

Most Unread Messages On A STEAM Account

Most Vine Videos Created In One Day To Raise Awareness For A Cause

Most Viruses On A Computer
Joharren Stewart

Most Windows Opened In 10 Secconds
The Sheepster

Shortest HD Video On YouTube
Darryl Learie

Slowest Time To Open Google's Homepage
yre khara

Smallest Video Format Uploaded To YouTube Measured In Pixels
Darryl Learie
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