266 Records Found

Fastest Time To Name All 50 US States While Juggling Three Tennis Balls
Justin Landers

Most Arsenal FC Football Players Named in 30 Seconds
World Records For Everyone!

Fastest Time To Name All Eight Planets
Doron T

Fastest Time To Read The Opening Crawl Of "Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope" In Pig Latin
TV Camp

Fastest Time To Name 10 Of Ian McGehee's RecordSetter World Records

Most WWE Wrestlers Named In 10 Seconds
Kirath Singh

Fastest Time To Say "Love" 10 Times
Captain Catasrophe

Most Consecutive Times Saying "Butt"
Smdmdm Kdmdmdmdm

Most Times Saying "I'll Have What She's Having" In 30 Seconds

Most Times Reciting Alphabet Backwards In One Minute
Matthew Jackson

Most Lies Told About Oneself In 30 Seconds
Manthena haindavi

Longest Inflight Announcement Made With A Single Breath
Tony Cappaert

Most People Saying "We Love Southwest Airlines" In Front Of A Southwest Airlines Plane
Clint Poore

Most Times Saying "I Love Aruba" On A Beach In 30 Seconds While Wearing An "I Love Aruba" T-Shirt
Clint Poore

Fastest Time To Recite Quint And Mayor Vaughn's Town Hall Dialogue From The Movie "Jaws"
Rudy Ferretti

Fastest Time For A Three-Year-Old To Name All 196 Country Capitals
Nethin Hari
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