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189 Records Found

Fastest Time To Rotate Arms 301 Times In One Direction
Pavol Durdik

Longest Wall Sit While Arm Curling Two 12-Pound Dumbbells
William Cannon

Most Consecutive Straight Arm Body Slides Using "Core 500" On Feet
Adel Khalil

Most Consecutive Alternating One-Armed Push-Ups (Athlete Over 50 Years Old)
Carl Raisig

Most Hula Hoop Rotations On One Arm In One Minute
Liam Steven

Most 360-Degree Arm Rotations In One Minute
shreyas raju

Most One-Armed Back-Of-Hand Triple Clapping Push-Ups
shaikh rejaul

Most Consecutive One-Armed One-Legged Two-Finger Push-Ups
shaikh rejaul

Heaviest One-Arm Olympic Barbell Curl (Athlete Over 50 Years Old)
Thommy Ohlund

Most Consecutive One-Arm One-Leg Push-Ups In A Stream In 30 Seconds
shaikh rejaul

Most Reps Doing "Hurricane Matthew" Arm-Ab Challenge In 30 Minutes
Alicia Weber

Most Wrist Slaps With A Ruler
Cooper Syrch

Most One-Armed Push-Ups With Feet Tied Together
Guillaume Bourgeois
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